Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 23, 2009 - Christmas Is Two Days Away

December 23rd, 2009 – Christmas Is Two Days Away
Not much to think or even to choose. I wrapped two hand towels for Lindaura and some candies and a hand painted kitchen towel for dona Rosa. I delivered them this afternoon.
Christmas is two days away. Many Brazilians celebrate on the 24th with midnight supper, specially in big cities. But here, my neighbors will gather family members on the 25th. I received two invitations to dine with them. Not surprisingly, from dona Rosa and Lindaura.
I stop by their homes very often. From dona Rosa, I get handmade bread baked in a wood fired mud oven, papaya, mandioc roots, okra, or anything that she has in her kitchen. She wanted to slaughter a free range chicken for my Christmas dinner. I declined as I would dine out. She then invited me to stop by her house as lots of people were going to gather there. They are building a shack to protect guests from the scorching Summer sun.
Lindaura is the woman I give a ride every morning. Besides giving me money for the fuel, she gives me oranges every week and shoes. She works as a maid for her sister who owns a shoe shop. I guess my stories of poverty followed a divorce makes her take a pity on me. This way, she gives me anything she can. Just to think that I first offered her a ride to have her save money. It ended up that I gain much more than money and little gifts, but a dear friend.
I left Lindaura’s house with a bag full of oranges, two pineapples, and black peppercorns! I couldn’t believe it. A vine with little bunches of green and red pearls that become black under the sun. I asked for a seed plant. This was one of the seasonings I wanted to have.
I am looking forward to Christmas dinner. No turkey, ham, or even roasted chicken. Both families are going to have barbecue outside. It may seem unusual, but it is actually a very common way of celebrating anything down in Brazil.
Merry Christmas!

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